Mother’s Day: Make-it-yourself Memories

Daughters and Susan on Mother's Day 1989Mother’s Day Memories:

Do you remember this time we went
Camping and all the time we spent
Finding a spot to put up each tent
Next to the shade of a tree?

It was Mother’s Day, 1989.
In southern Utah, the weather was fine.
I can’t remember.  Did anyone whine?
No, you made it special for me!

With the stove Daddy set up, our meals could be hot.
We ate oatmeal for breakfast, like it or not.
And that was the Mother’s Day present I got!
I was happy as I could be.

After 24 years, I remember the way
We laughed as I watched you climb and play
On the rocks at Arches that Mother’s Day
And the memory is precious to me.


The poems I write for this blog are usually from a child's viewpoint.  But this Mother's Day, I thought I'd write my own memories, for my daughters.  


Favorite Mother's Day Presents

I know I’ve received beautiful gifts for Mother’s Day over the years.  In another place, I have written about why the ones I remember are the gifts like plaster hand prints, poems framed in painted popsicle sticks and cards that shed glitter all over the rug.

Coupon Book 

I remember making my own mother a “coupon” for breakfast in bed.  It was more the size of a certificate, with fancy borders and third-grade calligraphy.  I remember I even used the word “entitles”.  That was back when I thought big words were best.

Today, children can go on line and find lots of print outs for whole books of coupons.  

That inspired me to go to and design a simple coupon book cover and page, myself. Mother's Day Coupon Book Cover I think it would be a great project for Dad and the kids to draw, or design, or print out and write up a coupon book for mom. 

Coupon InsideSome Coupon Ideas

Here are some ideas to get you started.  I’m sure you can come up with something YOU know your mom would love.  And don’t forget Grandmas.  They are mothers, too!

·         Doing chores with a smile

·         Reading Aloud for 10 minutes

·         A Puppet Show

·         A Family Walk

·         A Foot Massage

·         15 Minutes of Weeding, Anywhere Mom Says


I hope your Mother’s Day makes memories for your family.  I’m sure it will make memories for Mom.


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