A children's poem for April Fools Day, obviously not written for Spring Break!
April Fool
Don’t tell Daddy, but we’re going to play a trick
We’ll tell him that the bus won’t come because the driver’s sick.
And when he tells us, “Now I’LL have to drive you all to school,”
We’ll shout, “The bus is coming! It was only April Fool!”
No surprise, this April Fool's Day poem is from Year-Round Read-Aloud, Read-Along Rhymes: Celebrating Holidays and Seasons.
FREE Read-Aloud Book! No Fooling:
For the rest of today, 1 April, Year-Round Read-Aloud, Read-Along Rhymes: Celebrating Holidays and Seasons is FREE in the Amazon Kindle Store. My holiday gift to you. It's filled with poems your family can enjoy all year long. So please, download it and enjoy!


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Jaclyn, thank you! I guess I’ll have to go back into my “sharing” options and figure out how to add this to my blog. I appreciate your comment!