Autumn Changes
The leaves so green in summer turn to yellow-red in fall
I feel the weather changing when I go outside to play
And it seems to me the leaves have different colors every day.
I like to see the apple trees, changing with the year,
Full of fruit and bending low, now that fall is here.
I love to rake their fallen leaves into a colored heap,
And run until I hit the pile, shouting as I leap.
When I see the poplar trees reach for the autumn sky
Their golden spires against the blue, and watch the wild geese fly
On their way to warmer lands, I want to fly along.
Oh, Autumn, take me with you, I can change my summer song.
From Year-Round Read-Aloud, Read-Along Rhymes: Celebrating Holidays and Seasons.
It can be exciting and even scary to start a new school year. As much as I loved summer as a little girl, I enjoyed the beautiful changes of Autumn even more.
Have you started school yet? This is the perfect time to work daily reading aloud into the family schedule. Whether you read as homework, or for a break from study, reading is a way that families can share time and experiences.
Have a wonderful school year!


As a child I used to have mixed feelings with the end of the season and the new school year approaching. There was a mix of longing for the end of the summer to lead into a different season, but also sadness for the season of death setting foot in. Times of marked changes, like summer-autumn and winter-spring, stirred up strong emotions in me. Although this may be because weather conditions affect my mood, it's more probably just a common feeling of human beings.
The image of the apple tree and the heap of leaves to leap into is very nice. I don't think I've ever done that
Thanks for dropping by and commenting! I so understand about the seasons and change. That is a theme in many of my poems. Probably because my teachers decorated and planned lessons around holidays and seasons, I still associate each season with its holidays. I get a thrill from planning decorations, and celebrations. My grandmother linked the seasons to household activities — Spring for cleaning, Summer for gardening, Autumn for canning and Winter for knitting and crocheting. And ALL of them for cooking!
What a lovely, lovely poem. Thank you for sharing your talent. The words really paint a picture before my eyes.
Leslie, thank you. Your own talent is so beautifully visual, there isn't a nicer compliment you could have given me.
Oh I love Autumn. But I also miss the summer….