You know what I think Easter is all about?
Life goes on.
After winter trees have been stripped bare
As if they have no more life to share
New spring growth comes out again.
Life goes on.
You know what I think Easter is all about?
Life is good.
No matter how much we cry and fight
Or can’t seem to make the day go right
Somebody’s love can make it okay.
Life is good.
You know what I think Easter is all about?
From Year-Round Read-Aloud, Read-Along Rhymes: Celebrating Holidays and Seasons.
Easter is about Jesus
This is where I usually link to a fun Family craft or project that fits the holiday poem I've shared.
I know that kids love colored eggs and bunnies bringing baskets.
But just this once, I do not want to do anything to overshadow the reasons Christians celebrate this holiday.
In my holiday book, intended for families of all (or no) religious backgrounds, I wrote a poem that explains about Life going on, and Life being Good as a reason for celebrating Easter.
I distilled my thoughts about the Savior’s atonement and resurrection down to “Somebody’s Love can make it Okay,” and let it go at that.
But that was in my book. Somehow, my blog needs to be more personal. Especially since I use so many graphics, and links to crafts and suggestions for enhancing the Family Read-Aloud time.
Teaching Children the Easter Story
I remember when I taught three-year-olds in Sunday School, and used the words, “Jesus came alive again.” I've noticed an emphasis in recent issues of The Friend magazine explaining that He will live forever, and because of this, we will live forever, too.
Is it that hard for a child to understand? I don’t think so. I remember when my family colored Easter eggs fifty years ago, we used vinegar to help disolve the dye. My Dad used that as an opportunity to tell the story from the Bible that when Jesus was on the cross, He said, “I thirst,” and someone held up a sponge soaked in vinegar, and that was all Jesus was given to drink. I think of that often, when I think of Christ suffering.
But Dad didn’t end the story there. He told us about the two days later when people who loved Jesus went to the place He had been buried. I thought about my little sister’s grave, up on the hill outside town since October 1961. Yet that Easter morning, when the women went to visit Jesus’s tomb, it was empty. Mary cried, because she thought someone had taken the body away.
Sombody even asked her, “Why are you crying? Who are you looking for?” Mary thought it was the gardener, but when He said her name, she knew it was Jesus, come alive again. He told her He was going back to live with our Father in Heaven, to live forever with God.
Mary spread the word, and let her friends know that she has seen the Lord, and what He had told her.
My poem, by itself, doesn’t really spread that word. It does talk about coming back to life after death. It even talks about atonement and forgiveness. But I want my friends to know that I know that Jesus not only suffered and died, but broke the hold that death and Hell have over us, and that through Him, LIFE WINS.
So my family activity for this post mustn't be just a fun, springtime craft. Beauty, celebration of Life and Love, yes. But devoid of reverence and joy? No.
So for just this one blog, I haven’t always used my simplest language. But maybe the simplest language is all I need: Jesus lives, and because of Him, we live.
Easter Crafts that Celebrate Life:
Easter Wreath
I love this Paper Plate Easter Wreath project from Crafty Journal. Reminds me of making crepe paper flower easter bonnets in Mrs. Driscoll’s first grade class.
How could I resist? It’s musical theater! Based on a classic counting song, chick puppets pop in and out of their egg-carton nest. Thanks to Let's Play Music.
Download, color and assemble this Easter Scene, complete with standing characters and scenery. Children can act out the story from the scriptures or a Bible Story Book. From Catholic Icing, who also makes a beautifully water-colored version to download when you subscribe.
And for the sheer fun of it NurtureStore offers these cheerful Eggheads. Get started a few days early and you'll have an edible sandwich topper for all those egg salad sandwiches you might find yourself making this time of year!


Thanks for including us
Sara, you have such a fun and creative blog, Can't wait to see more. I'm following you now on Bloglovin.
I loved this poem. It's just what I needed to read on a day like today. (It was a tough day….)
Thank you, Leslie. I hope you and your family have a wonderful week leading up to Easter!