My Favorite Websites for Kids' Learning Activities
Every one of these sites is filled with Projects and Crafts designed for families with growing children. My hearty recommendation is that you click on the logo to visit each site. I know you'll find valuable help for learning readers and their families.
Nurture Store is rapidly becoming my favorite site for crafts, and learning-related activities. Cathy James is the mother of two girls, and her blog is filled with crafts, games and learning activities to foster reading, writing, math and science skills.
Terri Thompson is the very creative mom of two lucky daughters. Her blog shares wonderful ways she is nurturing her girls through arts and crafts, and projects designed to let kids discover the world. You'll enjoy her great photos and excellent ideas, including a section on "Ten Ways to Explore…." I particularly like the one on learning about weather, but they're all great!
Marianne is the mother of four young children. Her website is "a wonderful place to share the things that make parenting wonderful." It is full of crafts, ideas for hands-on learning, and encouraging creativity. She also is a read-aloud enthusiast and a musician among her high qualifications in early childhood education. Highly recommended.
I love this site! Deborah J. Stewart brings MUSIC to the mix. Click on the logo and enjoy singing along to fun songs just right for pre-schoolers. She has colorful graphics, and words you can read-along with as you listen to Deborah's clear voice, and learn to sing along. Search the site and you'll find a counting song about five peas in a pod, a great song about a turtle, and even a song she shared with a clever video from a singing nurse about washing your hands. Highly recommended for sharing time with your littlest learning readers at the computer or on a tablet.
Vickie's blog is a masterpiece. She is an expert in early childhood education, and she shares budget-friendly ideas that are colorful, creative and just plain fun. Filled with lots of photos, her step-by-step instructions make it easy to re-create her great ideas. Highly recommended!
Reading Confetti is all about linking books to activities. It's dedicated to "Fun and Simple Activities to Make Life Long Readers" That's a passion I share! This is a very well organized website, with lots of ideas, crafts and play. In fact, there is an alphabetical list under "Need and Activity for a Book?" that will keep you busy for months on end. Highly Recommended.
Bern has been blogging for years, and her site is full of crafts and learning activities. It is nice and girly, but you will find activities the whole family will enjoy. Science experiments are particularly wonderful. Evidence: Glow in the Dark Flubber. Need I say more? Check it out and enjoy learning along with Bern's two li'l divas!
Another blog I absolutely love. The author Tammy invites you to read along with her family's creative adventures. An attractive blog, filled with pictures of her adorable family involved in learning activities. You can feel the love Tammy has for children and the way they learn. Super science experiements, art projects, great decorations and even party ideas. Don't miss this website. Highly recommended!
Erica at What Do We Do All Day? blogs about creative ways she fills the days with her two boys in New York City. The blog is filled with fun and games, learning and adventure, food, and thoughtful parenting helps. Learn from an educator whose love for raising her kids shines through. Highly recommended!
Trisha at Inspiration Laboratories is dedicated to teaching literacy and science skills through fun and meaningful activities. I found her through a fantastic four-part series on "How to Read with Kids to Promote Language Development. With sections on Learning Through Play, Science and Nature, Reading (including a Virtual Book Club for Kids) it is a place both kids and parents can find creative ideas. You'll find lots of science activities, but so much more! Highly Recommended.


Thank you for including us. I'm flattered to be included with a list of so many great blogs!
Absolutely, Lorie! It’s so fun to find and share people with a passion for learning, creativity and literacy. Keep up the great work!
You are so welcome, Lorie. Still enjoying you!