On the first warm, sunny day
What did I see?
Three tiny daffodils
Too shy to look at me.
In all the muddy, melting yard
I saw only three
Tiny yellow daffodils.
But they did not see me.
They huddled all together
Underneath a tall tree.
Three golden, bowing heads
Too shy to look at me.
From Year-Round Read-Aloud, Read-Along Rhymes: Celebrating Holidays and Seasons
Fun Family Activities for Spring
Indoor Herb Garden
The daffodils in our yard waited until one day after Easter to bloom this year.
We live in an area of the United States that stays cold fairly late into the spring. We won't be planting anything outdoors until the threat of frost is gone.
But we have been growing herbs in our kitchen window.
We found a kit by Buzzy
, that made it fun and easy. And now we are enjoying watching the green plants turn toward the sunlight as they grow.
Bird Watching: Feed them, and they will come!
Even in the cold, a fun outdoor project is feeing birds. I'm experimenting with making smaller versions of this birdseed wreath I found on Infarrantlycreative.
There's nothing like the joyful riot when the birds find your feeder.
If your family can't have house pets, for some reason, this is a good way to invite animals into your life. The birds will find the food you leave for them, and return day after day.
Keep a Bird Log and Contribute to Science
We are learning a lot about the different kinds of birds that come to our yard. It's quite a research project to identify each kind of bird.
Your bird log can be as simple or fancy as you like. Just be sure to record each bird you identify and the time and date you see it.
There are some great on-line resources to help you get started. The picture of the bird log comes from a post of Go Explore Nature that was written the week of The Great Backyard Bird Count. By next February, your family will be experts at identifying the birds in your own back yard, and you can help scientists by recording your observations on line all year!
Let Me Hear From You
What do the first, warm sunny days of springtime make you feel like doing? Share your ideas for fun family projects!


Thanks for mentioning my bird seed wreath
Absolutely! I hope people follow up and start enjoying your blog, Beckie!
Lovely poem. I love how you describe the flowers as shy. I could totally picture them in my head.
Thank you, Leslie. I admire your blog, Pink Stripey Socks so much! It means a lot to me that you stopped by and commented!
What a sweet poem about daffodils! I looked for a "like" button but couldn't find one.
Thank you so much, Tina! I’m headed to my “sharing” options to find a good button to add!