Summer Night
Oh the sights and the sounds of a summer night!
When the long, hot day finally gives up its light.
And the star-bright sky seems close enough to touch.
Is there any other time that I love this much?
Somewhere in the dark, high above the trees,
A hoot owl flies on nights like these.
And the chirp of the katydids hiding in the lawn
Will sing me to sleep until the dawn.
I wish I could stay outside all night,
With the sky for my cover and the stars for my light.
But I think of my room and my cool, fresh bed
And I know that I’ll sleep inside, instead.
With a flashlight helping us to see,
Daddy walks up to the house with me,
Where the moths crowd around the back porch light.
It’s time for all sleepy things to say, “Good night.”
(from Bedtime Read-Aloud, Read-Along Rhymes: Quiet Poems for the End of the Day)
The picture I used with this poem comes from a fun blog, Marta Writes.
I recommend you go there for lots of fun family ideas!
A "Thank You" to My Friends
Thanks to all of you who downloaded my books on my birthday. It was a wonderful present to me to have so many new readers learn about my books and poems. Thank you all for sharing!
Have a great summer, and don't forget Father's Day on June 16. You can find lots of ideas for fun presents and things to do with Dad at the blogs on my "Family Fun Blogs" page.
