Year-Round Read-Aloud, Read-Along Rhymes: Celebrating Holidays and Seasons
by Susan Call Hutchison
FREE for a limited time: Saturday 30 March, Easter Sunday 31 March and Monday 1 April = No Fooling! Click on the cover or on the button below to download. (Make sure you check with Amazon to be sure the cost is $0.00) It's time to celebrate with Read-Aloud time!
More than 30 original poems your family will enjoy reading every Season of the Year:
Christmas, New-Years, Martin Luther KIng's Birthday, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Veteran's Day and many other holidays throughout the year.
Included are
Four Winds
Turn of the Year
Dream of a Promised LandShoveling Snow
Groundhog Day
Making Valentines
Valentine Cookies
Do You Love Me?
Flying Kites
(from Fun Time Read-Aloud, Read-Along Rhymes: Poems of Work and Play)
My Lucky Leprechaun
No Matter What the Groundhog Saw
April Fool
Mother’s Day
First Day of Swimming
Summer Bird Calls
Summer Night
(from Bedtime Read-Aloud, Read-Along Rhymes: Quiet Poems for the End of the Day)
On the Fourth of July
The Lightning Show
Last Day of Summer Walk
Autumn Changes
Halloween is Coming Soon
Trick or Treat
Thanksgiving Thoughts
When Will It Be Winter?
Mrs. Santa’s Night Before Christmas
Carol of the Mice
(From Mrs. Middlejoy and the Minister’s Cat)
Christmas Morning in Our House
The Old Year Cake on New Year’s Eve
Staying Up on New Year’s Eve
One More Year-Round Rhyme
(Saint Patrick’s Day, March 17)
My Lucky Leprechaun
I dreamed I heard a leprechaun
Just before I woke
The morning of Saint Patrick’s Day
And this is what he spoke:
“I’m from the hills of Ireland,
A magic land of green
Where shamrocks grow on river banks
And rainbows can be seen.
‘Tis said at every rainbow’s end
There lies a pot of gold,
But it’s always in the distance,
Something you can never hold.
“Unless you know a leprechaun!
And then, he’ll let you keep
The lucky gold to dream with
Every time you fall asleep.
“So on this fair Saint Patrick’s Day
Remember, and take heart.
For now you know a leprechaun
And your good luck will start!”
I woke and sat up straight in bed.
And through my windowpane
I saw a shining rainbow through
A sparkling morning rain.
Far out in the distance
I could see the rainbow’s end.
And I’ve never lost that golden dream
Or the leprechaun, my friend!
Familiar Read-Aloud, Read-Along Tales:
Classic Bedtime Stories
as told by Susan Call Hutchison
Remember the bedtime stories you learned as a little child? The simple ones you could listen to over and over again.
The deep voice of the Big Bad Wolf as he huffed and puffed. The whining voice of Baby Bear when he finds his chair is broken all to pieces. The built-in sound effects of billy goats clip-clopping over the bridge.
The things that make these stories so easy to remember and tell down through the years are the same things that make it easy for learning readers to begin to read along, once they’ve heard them a time or two.
Reading is more than recognizing letters and sounding out words. Every learning reader also develops the skills of following a story. We recognize familiar patterns, and learn to expect what comes next. And nothing beats these classic stories at capturing children’s imagination, holding their attention and starting them on the road to following along as a story is read aloud.
That is what the Read-Aloud, Read-Along series is all about: stories crafted for the learning reader that families can read together for years to come as reading skills grow and change
The treasured family tradition of reading aloud can spark a life-long love of learning.
So snuggle up and choose a Familiar Read-Aloud, Read-Along Tale for a classic bedtime story tonight!
Included are:
Chicken Little
(329 Words)
The Little Red Hen
(446 Words)
The Three Little Pigs and the Big, Bad Wolf
(615 Words)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
(446 Words)
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
(719 Words)
Little Red Riding Hood
(908 Words)
Jack and the Beanstalk
(1,626 Words)
Note to Parents and sitters: Classic fairy tales can be scary for very young children. Hungry foxes and wolves, giants and trolls roam the land and want to eat our heroes. In this volume, violence has been kept to a minimum, and everyone except the giant lives and learns. “Jack and the Beanstalk” may be appropriate only for children eight years old and up.
Bedtime Read-Aloud, Read-Along Rhymes:
Quiet Poems for the End of the Day
by Susan Call Hutchison
Snuggle up for an evening of bedtime reading. It’s old-fashioned family fun that inspires a lifetime of learning.
These slice-of-life verses use rhythm, rhyme and a child’s point of view to engage even the littlest readers as the busy day winds down.
The Read-Aloud, Read-Along series is designed for families with learning readers of all ages. Everyone can be part of read-aloud time by learning to read along.
Included are:
After a Day Outside
My Bedtime Bath
When I Listen
Song of the Sky
Grandma’s Picture Book
Summer Night
Then and Now
Pretending Sleep
Grandma’s Music Box
I Will Not Go to Bed!
and a bonus preview,
The Little Red Hen
from Familiar Read-Aloud, Read-Along Tales: Classic Bedtime Stories as told by Susan Call Hutchison
I Will Not Go to Bed!
I will not, WILL not go to bed!
I’m having too much fun.
The summer sky’s not even dark!
I still can see the sun.
I don’t care if tomorrow is
A long and busy day.
I will not go to sleep right now.
I still have games to play.
I will not, will NOT go to bed.
You can’t make me come in.
Okay, maybe I’ll take a bath
Just to soak my skin,
But I will not, will not go to BED;
This promise I will keep!
Okay, maybe I will lie down,
But you cannot make me sleep.
Okay, maybe a story,
And I’d like a kiss good-night,
But you’d better not be planning
To turn out my bedroom light.
‘Cause I really… really…really…
Do not plan to sleep just now.
Okay, maybe I’ll close my eyes,
But…I…won’t…drift off…somehow.
Fun Time Read-Aloud, Read-Along Rhymes:
Poems of Work and Play
by Susan Call Hutchison
A short collection of poems just right for young readers who love to be part of Read-Aloud time by learning to read along.
The rhythms, rhymes and themes of these slice-of-life verses make them perfect for sharing with the whole family any time of day.
Give the gift of a lifetime love of reading, through the treasured family tradition of reading aloud!
Included are:
Early Morning Song
What to Wear
Grandma at Work
Tying Shoes
Did You Ever See a Whale?
Flying Kites
True Colors
Learning How to Whistle
Folding Clothes
and a bonus preview,
When Will It Be Winter?
from Year-Round READ-ALOUD, READ-ALONG Rhymes:
Celebrating Holidays and Seasons. (Coming soon to the Kindle Store.)
Flying Kites
One bright and windy Saturday, my Daddy said, “You know,
“I used to really like it when a wind like this would blow.”
He smiled and said, “Come with me. We’re going to the store.”
I ran and put my jacket on and we were out the door!
Daddy knew exactly what he wanted and he got
Two kits of paper, sticks and string. And that was all we bought.
We hurried home and laid them out on our big kitchen floor,
And we made us each a fancy kite! And took them out the door.
The wind was tugging playfully – my kite was hard to hold.
And Daddy joked, “Hold on there, kites, and do what you are told!
“We’re going to an open park where there won’t be any trees
“And then you can play with the wind as roughly as you please.”
At the park, my Daddy laughed, “I’m not the only one
“Who thought of flying kites today!” And every one had fun.
The kites flew high and higher as we I let out all our string.
A dozen kites were dancing and it made me want to sing.
As we reeled the string back in we felt the wind’s strong tug.
And afterwards I thanked my Dad and he gave me a hug.
I always will remember that bright and windy day
When Daddy took me flying kites and all we did was play!
Read-Aloud, Read-Along Books by Susan Call Hutchison are available exclusively from the Amazon Kindle Store!
